Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Project!!!

Blog project was good.  through the blog project, I could learn more about book and history related to book.  first blog project was about Harper Lee.  When I do that blog, I learned author's life and found there is many connection between author's life and To Kill a Mockingbird.  In second blog project was about gossip in book.  I could understand better about relationships and neighbors when I doing this project.  Third blog project was about brown v. board of education.  From this project I learned many things about racism and I could understand better at setting of book.  Fourth project was about Emmett Till case.  I could learn how white people treat black and how community respond about that in old south.  I also get better understand why people treat Tom Robinson that way.  In fifth blog project I searched for music for To Kill a Mockingbird.  In this project, I didn't know when is due so I did this really quick.  Some how I picked scary sound music for many other scary scene.  This project didn't really helped me.  My opinion in this marking period is we read book really fast.  I could follow this speed because I have Korean To kill a Mockingbird.  I'm not sure I can follow this speed next marking period.  If we are not going to do blog project next marking period, I hope do some review in book.  I know Mr. Juliani don't like to talk in class because he want us to do work, but I like when teacher give many information like Mr. Juliani did in top 10 thing.  I know some people have same problem like me (don't understand book) so I think review is good idea.

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